Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Laura and Will

What a sweet and fun couple! I photographed Laura and Will dowtown on a WINDY day - no complaints from these two, they just seemed happy to be together :)  Laura and Will will be married on May 28, 2011 at the beautiful St. Andrews Episcopal church in dowtown Jackson with the reception following at River Hills. I am so lucky to work with such sweet people!!!!!!!!! Laura didn't even mind being called Lauren for the first 30  minutes of our shoot! She smiled all the way through it! xoxo Y'all!

For Laura and Will's slideshow, click here.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lindsey Steadman and Tim Townsend

Lindsey, Tim and myself shot these images downtown Jackson approaching sunset. What an awesome couple! Fun, easy and creatively open! I am so excited to be working with Lindsey and Tim!!!!

To see more of Lindsey and Time, click here.